Our Strategic Plan
The following strategies reflect the goals we wish to achieve for those we serve, with the community, and as a resilient and adaptive organization. They respond to issues like attitudes towards supported persons, their evolving and diverse needs, working with community partners, technology, communications, government policy and funding. Further details are available in Madoc COPE’s full strategic plan for 2018-2021.
The following principles are the fundamental beliefs and values that will guide all decision-making regarding service provision, organization activities, and policy development.
Building an adaptive organization ready for change
Take action to further develop our capacity to change in terms of program structure, practices, culture, capacity, technology and training.
Actively recruit (and retain) community resources and relationships.
Explore options to reduce reliance on a single funder.
The following principles are the fundamental beliefs and values that will guide all decision-making regarding service provision, organization activities, and policy development.
Renewing programs to meet needs in a new context
Renew, redesign and reposition programs for the new “market” context for supports/services, with emphasis on appeal, infrastructure & fee-for-service.
Continue to explore connections to work opportunities in the community and serve as a resource to help individuals reach their work goals.
Look at supports for youth-to-adult home transitions.
Develop approaches to deal with transitions & impacts of aging parents.
The following principles are the fundamental beliefs and values that will guide all decision-making regarding service provision, organization activities, and policy development.
Communications: Building Foundations for Success
Develop a full communications strategy and implementation plan.
Engage more community champions.
Increase Madoc COPE’s profile across the geographic region.
The following principles are the fundamental beliefs and values that will guide all decision-making regarding service provision, organization activities, and policy development.
Exploring Options to Sustain Long-term Financial Stability
Maintain active communications with the Ministry.
Position Madoc COPE fee-for-service programs and actively promote them.